Candid Camera
For a Muzungu like me taking candid photographs in Kigali is almost impossible. Everywhere I go I'm followed by the chorus of "Muzungu" and packs of little kids, so there's no chance of being inconspicuous. As soon as I lift my camera adults dive for cover and kids strike goofy poses. So this is what I get, and all I'm likely to get:

Trippe!! This is the first chance I've had to catch up on your bloggings :) You take gorgeous pictures!! My favorite part so far is when the kids were staring to see if you were japanese. Keep up the good work. We miss you!! Oh and one of the Mets players got ejected from the game today and it was very exciting. I know you missed your update!
Your pictures are beautiful. What a life you lead, my friend! Miss you!
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